CBL 2 ™

Texas Instruments CBL 2

CBL 2 ™ Features Summary

Let your students discover how math and science affect the world around them by developing hypotheses, conducting experiments, and forming conclusions. The CBL 2, the 2nd-generation Calculator-Based Laboratory™, provides the easiest, most accessible way for students to collect and analyze real-world data!

Easy to Use
Ideal for Middle School through High School Science and Math
Collect data with more than 40 available sensors! Use the CBL 2 data collection device in middle school math and science, biology, chemistry, physics, and high school math.

The CBL 2 Kit comes with everything you need to begin collecting and analyzing data right away
Includes 3 probes - an improved stainless steel temperature probe, voltage probe and light probe. Also includes an innovative cradle system and a six-inch link cable, a Teacher Guide containing experiments for science and math, a TI resource CD and four AA batteries.

Connects to CBL 2™- compatible TI educational calculators
Collect data without the calculator using auto-ID probes. Reconnect to a calculator or computer to retrieve and analyze the data.

Collect approximately 12,000 data points (depending on memory) at rates of up to 50,000 points per second.

Other Features
• Supporting stand to prop up your CBL 2 for easier handling
• Four channels for data collection: 3 analog, 1 sonic/bi-directional digital
• Measure motion, temperature, light, pH, force, dissolved oxygen, pressure and more, with appropriate probes
• TI-9920 AC adapter (sold separately)

Probe Adapters
• CBL DIN for use with all other compatible sensors/probes. (Sold separately)

CBL 2 Cradle
Easy Set Up with Built-in User Program: DataMate™
Allows you to transfer the program to your TI educational calculator with the push of a single button. Start collecting data right away, or set up the CBL 2 for more sophisticated applications.

Software upgrade capabilities
Update your user program with the most current version of software. Update the functionality of the CBL 2. Use the remaining memory to store multiple experiment trials, experiment setups, or other programs.

Convenient Cradle System
The CBL 2 and your TI graphing calculator become one unit for portable, single-handed use. The newly designed cradle fits TI-84 Plus family calculators and the TI-89 Titanium.

Original model cradle (included in the purchase box of your CBL 2) accepts the student and ViewScreen™ versions of the TI-73 Explorer™, TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, TI-86, and TI-89 (cradle will not accept old-style TI-82 VSC).

Compatibility with Vernier Probes
The CBL 2 is compatible with most existing CBL™ programs and workbooks. CBL 2 is also compatible with many popular probes for data collection.